In the Islamabad High Court, a hearing was held on the bail applications of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Chairman and former Prime Minister Imran Khan in 2 cases, in which his interim bail was extended. The court has extended the interim bail till June 8 in the attempted murder and sedition cases against Imran Khan.
Chief Justice Islamabad High Court, Justice Aamir Farooq, while conducting a hearing, also approved Imran Khan’s request for exemption from attendance today.
The Chief Justice said that tell us on which day Imran Khan has to appear in more cases? Keep the date of the same day.
The court has extended Imran Khan’s interim bail in the rhetorical case against the officers of military institutions.
The Islamabad High Court also extended the interim bail of Chairman PTI Imran Khan in the attempted murder case filed by Mohsin Ranjha.
Imran Khan’s interim bail has been extended till June 8 in both the cases.